Design and Construction
Comprehensive audit services include*:
- Detailed study of all stages of production.
- Inspection and assessment of technical condition of builds and constructions.
- Inspection and assessment of infrastructure.
- Inspection and assessment of operating technologies.
- Inspection and assessment of main and auxiliary equipment and facilities.
- Analysis and evaluation of effectiveness use of existing buildings, facilities and equipment.
- Analysis and evaluation of technical and technological solutions.
- Analysis of management system.
- Analysis and evaluation of organizational and administrative documents.
- Analysis and evaluation of human resources.
- Complex analysis of achieved production indicators (quantitative, qualitative and economic).
- Definition of directions providing maximum use of industrial potential.
- Selection of variants to improve efficiency of operating manufacture.
* An individual list of measures is determined according to technical requirements before commencement of work.
Final report as a result of comprehensive audit includes technological, technical, organizational and economical recommendations aimed at:
- Optimization of existing production.
- Reduction of financial, logistical and other costs.
- Minimizing the negative factors affecting the achievement of production targets.
- Effective use of operating capacities.
- Increase profitability of manufacture.